Would you trash your wedding dress? I DID!

Ruined forever...

Ruined forever…

Trash your wedding dress?

The very words conjure up horrifying images of your dress splattered with food or set on fire! How could any bride even fathom the idea of ruining the dress she walked down the aisle in? To create controversial yet stunning photographs to keep forever, of course! While some brides actually do ruin their dresses forever to create that shock factor, I chose a much classier way to do it.

Was my dress ruined forever?

No, my dress was never actually “trashed”. There was no food, paint or fire involved. I did, however, do things to my wedding dress I would never have done on my actual wedding day so that I would create the shock factor that made the photographs special.

How did I do it?

I had a well-organised photo shoot with professional photographers AstraPics who helped me with props and locations. We decided on Ballito Bay in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa as the perfect spot. The props included a bridal bouquet, a bottle of champagne and glasses and I brought along a stunning pair of turquoise stilettos I knew would add pop colour to the shots.

On the day of the shoot I had my hair and make-up done and my husband, Gareth dressed up in his suit with waistcoat and cravat so that we both really looked the part.

…and this was the result…

All in all, the experience was relaxed and fun; there was no pressure to finish quickly because wedding guests were waiting to be fed, there was no fear of ruining my dress on my wedding day and the resulting photos were absolutely exquisite!

So, instead of forgetting the dress you paid so much money for and only got to wear for one day, take the opportunity to doll yourself up again and have a stunningly daring photo shoot taken. The dress can go back into the cupboard (really, what were you going to do with it anyway?) but the photos will remain for you to show off forever…

I suggest you contact Bruce at AstraPics to set up your “Trash the Dress” photo shoot at:
Email: bruce@astrapics.co.za
Website: www.astrapics.co.za
Cell phone: 082 802 1050

I want a discount!

Tell AstraPics you heard about them on my blog and qualify for a R500.00 discount on your photography package!

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